Hazgreen have a huge responsibility to advise our customers on sustainability as a hazardous waste producer.
Companies producing hazardous waste have an obligation, not only to comply with regulations but also to ensure that the waste produced is dealt with in a way that is sustainable to the environment.
We will work in partnership with you to minimise the impact your business has on the environment, ensuring that a high percentage of hazardous waste produced is recycled.
Without suitable management, the hazardous waste produced every day would damage the
environment and create problems for public health.
Improved hazardous waste management also has a part to play in a low carbon economy through the development of infrastructure that will be able to adapt to climate change and help to address climate change. It will also provide for the disposal of hazardous waste generated in ways that reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. For example, burning waste oils and solvents has associated emissions which would be reduced if the oil and solvents were to be regenerated. Implementation of the waste hierarchy may also, help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for example, avoiding the need to manufacture new products (because of reuse) or to manufacture new materials (because of recycling), or through using waste to generate energy.